
Worship for LIFE

Worship for LIFE

 "Worship for LIFE" is led by Rev. Michelle Young and a team who believes that worship is a lifestyle and not a talent. She has often been noted for her spirit led and dynamic worship. Worship at LIFE in life is centered around ushering in the presence of God. (Psalm 96:9) Worship is spirit led and always preceded by repentance and is a way of life. God's presence at worship transforms, renews and sets the captives free. It rends open the heavens for His presence, His fire and His power to fill the sanctuary.


intercession for life

Intercession for LIFE

This is the most important ministry at LIFE in life. Prayer is the engine room of LIFE in life and our intercessors are dedicated to their call; they pray without ceasing until breakthroughs are evident. In addition to the Tuesday prayer meeting, the church prays for 1 hour from 2 P.M. to 3 P.M. before the start of service. All night prayer is a necessity for this Church.


hospitality for life

Hospitality for LIFE

At LIFE in life, we will be known by our love for each other. We welcome all and believe in the fellowship with the brethren. Our hospitality team, are the friendly faces which greet you at the doors. We desire to maintain contact with our visitors by noting your information, whether you are just visiting or hoping to make LIFE in life your home church. We have fellowship after every meeting, at which time we look forward to sharing refreshments and getting to know you. This is Relational Discipleship at its best.


residents of the park

Residents of the Park

This ministry focuses on the "homeless" who have found a home at LIFE in life. They live at neighbouring parks and hence the name of this ministry. We provide these individuals with food, toiletries, clothes, baths and bibles. We emphasize the need for them to attend meetings with us as we all need to be spiritually fed. They access everything that is available at LIFE in life in order to become fruitful disciples of Christ. We depend on the generous donation of saints and visitors to take care of the "Residents of the Park".


prison ministry

LIFE in life Prison Ministry

LIFE in life has been very active in Prison Ministry. Partnering with Prison Fellowship Ministry, Rev. Michelle Young and two other members of LIFE in Life Ministries visit the Golden Grove women's facility in Arouca four times monthly. The inmates are discipled and ministered the Word. LIFE in life provides care packages for these inmates whenever possible and they sincerely appreciate it. We are thankful for the generous donations of the saints and visitors which makes these gifts to inmates possible.


men for life

Men for LIFE

LIFE in life Men's ministry is led by Rev. Dr. Christopher Young and meets every other Thursday 4:30 P.M. to 6:00 P. M. at LIFE in life Ministries. Men for LIFE is open to all males above 11 years of age. The older teach the younger and young men need the role models of older men. It is a meeting place where men are grounded in the Word and can freely discuss issues pertaining to the men and their role in their families and the Body of Christ.

Current Study - “Everything You Need” by Dr. David Jeremiah


children's church for life

Children's church for LIFE

At LIFE in life, this ministry caters for children 4 years old - 11 years old. The children of both members and visitors are welcomed. We aim to disciple the young ones with teaching material specially designed to their level of understanding, incorporating all aspects of their Christian walk including how to deal with the challenges they face in school. We emphasize the Word of God. Children's Church is from 5:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.


Youth for life

Youth for LIFE

Youth for LIFE is a ministry for the generation, preteen from 11 years to teenagers 18 years old. Youth for LIFE is led by a team comprising of Rev. Michelle and others. This ministry is open to members and non-members within this age group. We emphasize the Word of God, worship in spirit and in truth as a lifestyle. Social and personal concerns are addressed in an atmosphere of confidentiality with a support system being available. Meeting times to beginning Thursday 13 February, 2020. Will be meeting every other Thursday.


Tarrying with Jesus


Every Friday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

This ministry is an integral part of the LIFE of members and followers of LIFE in life. It is in tarrying with Jesus that we are set free as we worship Him and repent for our sins.